Management Efficiency Ratios
ROE = Profit of parent company shareholders divided by Equity
F5.27 = F2.112/Aver(F2.74)
ROE is calculated on an annual basis or calculated on 4 consecutive quarters
-By Year: F2.112 of the whole year, Average at the beginning and end of the year of F2.74
-According to 4 quarters: Total F2.112 of 4 quarters, Average of 4 funds of F2.74
ROE indicates the ability to bring profit to shareholders per dollar of capital spent.'s ROE is calculated on a trailing basis based on the data of the last 4 quarters. The higher the ROE, the better, but also note that the company can use a lot of debt and therefore the liquidity risk will be high. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention and tracking various indicators at the same time
ROE = Profit of parent company shareholders divided by Equity
F5.27 = F2.112/Aver(F2.74)
ROE is calculated on an annual basis or calculated on 4 consecutive quarters
-By Year: F2.112 of the whole year, Average at the beginning and end of the year of F2.74
-According to 4 quarters: Total F2.112 of 4 quarters, Average of 4 funds of F2.74
ROCE indicates the efficiency of capital use in the company, including both equity and debt. ROCE of is calculated on a trailing basis based on data of the last 4 quarters.
ROA = Profit of parent company shareholders divided by total assets
F5.29 = F2.112/Aver(F2.52)
ROA is calculated on an annual basis or calculated on 4 consecutive quarters.
ROA tells you how much profit a company makes based on the assets it has. ROA is useful when comparing companies in the same sector but will not be meaningful for different industries due to the peculiarities of the capital structure and facilities required for their operations.
Companies that need a lot of initial investment such as shipbuilding, cement will not be able to have high ROA like other companies such as commerce and services.
Sales/Number of employees
F5.36 = Revenue /Total number of employees of the corporation
This index is calculated on an annual basis or a total of 4 consecutive quarters
Sales/Market Cap
F5.46 = Revenue /Current Market cap
This index is calculated by year or Sum of 4 consecutive quarters
Receivable Turnover
F5.30 = Net Sales F2.94 /AVER(F2.9+F2.25)
AVER(F2.9+F2.25) is the average of year-end and last year-end short-term and long-term customer receivables.
This coefficient is for years only
The higher this ratio, the higher the business performance of the company
Days of Sales Outstanding
F5.31 =365/F5.30
This coefficient is for years only
Inventory turnover
F5.32 = Cost of Goods Sold F2.95/AVER(F2.16)
AVER(F2.16) is the average value of inventory at the end of this year and at the end of last year. This coefficient is only calculated on an annual basis
The higher this ratio, the higher the business performance of the company
Days of Inventory Outstanding
F5.33 = 360/F5.32
This coefficient is for years only
Days of Inventory Outstanding includes provision (Different from the old version that only includes net inventory).
Payable turnover
F5.34 =F2.95/AVER(F2.56+F2.66).
AVER(F2.16) is the average of the year-end and last year-end short-term and long-term payables.
This coefficient is for years only
Days of Payable Outstanding
F5.35 =360/F5.34
This coefficient is for years only
The larger this time is, the better the company’s ability to utilize capital
Asset turnover
F5.47 = F2.94/AVER(F2.52)
Equity turnover
F5.48 = F2.94/AVER((F2.74)
Last updated