Stock Ranking
In this document, we want to present to our customers and readers the Stock Ranking methodology for all listed Companies on the stock exchange. Our aim is to assist investors in evaluating fundamental financial indicators, thus saving time in the data collection and analysis process. This document also increases transparency when customers use the data information provided by FiinGroup.
Ranking principles of companies:
Principle 1: Companies with good Profit potential are ranked higher.
Principle 2: Companies that are tracked and recommended by a great number of analysts are ranked higher.
Principle 3: The larger the scale of the company, the higher it is ranked.
Principle 4: Companies that generate better cash flow are ranked higher.
Principle 5: The more stocks purchased by internal leaders, organizations, and proprietary trading blocks, the higher they are ranked.
Principle 6: Stocks with high trading value and low forward valuation are ranked higher.
Last updated